Darren Janz from Yabbit
Listen as we chat with Darren Janz, the founder of the one stop telco solution, Yabbit based out of Brisbane. We talk about the effect that the Covid 19 pandemic has had on the telco industry and how the need for a one stop shop for all things telco opened an opportunity for Yabbit. We also learn how another overnight sensation took 30 years of graft and why Yabbit is more than a telco solution but a community.
Darren Janz has only ever been in the phone industry, his desire to connect people has been his driving force and the main reason for founding Yabbit. The perfect turn key solution for a corporate telephone system, Yabbit is the solution you have been waiting for. We dive deep into the development of Yabbit and also learn about what a market leader does to chill and relax. Family is paramount for Darren and he brings that family and community feel to Yabbit as he helps to bring people together across the globe.