Damo Giles from Barrick Dads Dance Crew
Listen as we chat with Damo Giles the founder of Barrick Dads Dance Crew. We will discuss life and the motivation behind starting and all Dads dance crew that is now dominating the dance eisteddfod scene in the "Mature and Motivated" section.
Damo Giles has lived a very full life. Husband, Father, Provider and now the leader of an extremely successful all Dad's dance crew. From humble beginnings in Belrose on the Northern Beaches of Sydney it was always obvious that Damo was born to perform and he found that outlet through sport. Having played for more than a decade for the Warringah Rats he was always the first to grab the mic for a speech or to lead the team song, no one was to know what lied ahead for Damo.
Becoming a father changed his whole life and we will discuss how Fatherhood changed his perception on life but how setting the right example for his kids would lead to the stage. With a son with an amazing wing span and one of the great claps seen on the eastern seaboard, it was through his daughters that he would finally find his passion. His two daughters like their father and mother were born performers and both are very successful dancers in their own right, but when the name of Giles is mentioned with the word dance, it's invariably Damo that people want to talk about.
Listen as we delve deep into the beginnings of Barrick Dads Dance Crew and how a simple, relatively uncoordinated father of three would stare into the bright lights of some of QLD's biggest stages and leave them in his wake.
This is an episode that will motivate even the most stubborn to take the first step towards their dream and grab it with both hands. Damo is an inspiration to all that have thought it was too hard or were worried that people would laugh at you. The BDDC cringe sexy style is perfected by 9 danclexic Dad's that just wanted to show their kids they could do it.
Becoming a father changed his whole life and we will discuss how Fatherhood changed his perception on life but how setting the right example for his kids would lead to the stage. With a son with an amazing wing span and one of the great claps seen on the eastern seaboard, it was through his daughters that he would finally find his passion. His two daughters like their father and mother were born performers and both are very successful dancers in their own right, but when the name of Giles is mentioned with the word dance, it's invariably Damo that people want to talk about.
Listen as we delve deep into the beginnings of Barrick Dads Dance Crew and how a simple, relatively uncoordinated father of three would stare into the bright lights of some of QLD's biggest stages and leave them in his wake.
This is an episode that will motivate even the most stubborn to take the first step towards their dream and grab it with both hands. Damo is an inspiration to all that have thought it was too hard or were worried that people would laugh at you. The BDDC cringe sexy style is perfected by 9 danclexic Dad's that just wanted to show their kids they could do it.